ALS supporter
Trade places with an ALS patient during a Belgian Red Devils soccer game
A Belgian Red Devil supporter who suffers from ALS auctions his seat on the disabled platform to support ALS research. The auction starts on August 31st: you can take his place for the last Belgian Red Devils WC 2018 qualification match on October 10th.
The price of a seat at a soccer game varies according to its location in the stadium. The cheapest seats are near the top of the stadium. Seats get more expensive if they are lower down, closer to the playing field. The best places, located right next to the playing field, are reserved for disabled supporters.
Kris suffers from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a deadly neurodegenerative disorder that can’t be treated effectively yet. Above all, Kris is a big fan of the Belgian Red Devils. To support the research, he decided to auction his privileged seat for the last World Cup 2018 qualification match Belgium - Cyprus on the 10th of October via .
The objective of this action is to accumulate as many donations as possible for the ALS research and give hope to the people who are affected by this terrible disease. ALS is a deadly degenerative disorder that paralyses muscles one by one. Kris is completely helpless. Auctioning his seat is his way of fighting against a terrible disease that affects nearly 1000 persons in Belgium.
The concept is simple: visit and make an offer. The winner can see the match from Kris’ seat, in a wheel chair. It’s a nice way to support our Belgian Red Devils and the fight against ALS.