The not-for-profit association ‘ALS Liga’ has a continuous need for financial resources to enable its daily activities. For that reason we ask time and again for the support of third parties: volunteers who are prepared to do supporting jobs and individual sponsors who are willing to give us a helping hand. As we do not receive any structural official subsidies, we appeal for gifts from businesses, service clubs and other great-hearted individuals. This financial support helps us buying specific communication apparatus that allows us to help our patients improving somehow their communicative capacities.
But apart from that we can think of so much more to make living with ALS more bearable, if we only could dispose of more resources. In order to make these dreams come true we are looking for generous donators who provide financial resources or logistic support or personal skills. Indeed, we should not forget the ultimate dream of finding a medical response: a cure for the still incurable disease ALS. Only highly specialized research can achieve this and in order to make that possible we want to gather resources.
For all this we call upon everybody reading this. Commit yourself to our cause and make some time to give us a hand or give us financial means to help in your name others who really need it. Read what is below and click the button of your choice. We guarantee that with your support we can improve the condition of patients that have no other way out.
For the account of ‘ALS Liga België vzw’
BE28 3850 6807 0320 en BIC BBRUBEBB
Less taxes on your inheritance
We often find out that the name of ALS Liga is linked to private initiatives.
If private persons wish to collect funds, for the Liga, on their own initiative, they can
- either ask potential donators to transfer money to a special account opened by the organiser, for the benefit of the Liga.
The funds raised can then, in good faith, be transferred by the initiators to the Liga, mentioning name and address of the donators and the sum transferred. These people will only receive a letter of thanks with the description of the investment of their funds and NO fiscal certificate;
- or the donators can also make a direct transfer to the Liga on
BE28 3850 6807 0320 and BIC BBRUBEBB.
After this they WILL receive a fiscal certificate as of € 40.
Conditions for fiscal certificate
Further information is always available with the Liga.
- So what it comes down to is that whenever the name of the ALS LIGA is used for private initiatives, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, there needs to be a preliminary agreement and/or consultation between both parties.
21st June – Global Day of ALS/MND
In Belgium too World ALS Day is brought to attention by sympathisers who organise all kinds of events or activities. On that day we try together worldwide to raise the awareness of ALS with the general public. Do you also feel like organising something on or around that day? Or do you want to make a gift? Then click one of the buttons above.