‘In Memoriam’ donation
Give a standing order
Can we help the ALS League?
Of course.
Even with small amounts. Sometimes it’s only a drop on a hot furnace. But, many drops make a puddle.
Dear People, The ALS Liga België vzw is authorized by law to receive tax-deductible donations. For each cash gift from 40 EUR donated to the ALS Liga België vzw, a tax certificate is issued by the ALS League Belgium vzw after the end of the calendar year. The donor can thus deduct gifts fiscally from 40 EUR. A tax reduction of 45% of the amount of the donation is provided. To obtain a tax certificate, only donations deposited on the account of ALS Liga België vzw can be considered. |
ALS League tax certificates.pdf
The ALS League Belgium is being stimulated, motivated and managed by people who are close to the ALS issue. Moreover our accounting is transparent. Your donation will be used in the way you indicate it.
We work professionally with the enthusiasm of the amateur. All employees, whether they volunteer or don’t, are ridden with one idea: to help our dearest brother, sister, husband, wife, friend, father or mother with all our healthy force and energy.
But that’s why we need YOUR help as well, small or big. To us every help is of PRICELESS value.
U can deposit your donation here:
BE28 3850 6807 0320 and BIC BBRUBEBB
ALS Liga België vzw
Thank you!
We’d also like to use this occasion to thank everyone again for the many small and large gifts we were able to receive the last few years. These donations are being deployed to accomplish the goals of the ALS League:
1. Short Term
- To inform about ALS by means of brochures, a news letter, a contact weekend and a website
- Tools and their maintenance (ALS Mobility en Digitalk), see also “Projects and Services”
- Research to the origin and treatment of ALS in Belgium. Among other things we offer support by providing appliances or models to make this research possible. Be wary we only deposit the donations with the mention "A cure for ALS" in the ALS research fund that’s being invested in Belgian researchers.
2. Long term
- Even better support in assistance and homecare (Personal Assistance Budget) for all ALS patients, as for many patients it is essential to spend the last stage of their life in their trusted home environment. In this respect, we also pay due attention to the role of the caregiver, with the support of a volunteer network.
- For patients who cannot be cared for at home, we have contributed to the establishment of an appropriate care environment with the ALS convention centres. In order to provide temporary respite during a weekend away or a longer stay, we participated in the establishment of Middelpunt.
Again a warm thank you for your support!
Furthermore, every deposit from € 40 over a whole year grants you a fiscal certificate. For every donation you’ll also receive a personally addressed thank you letter.
The ALS board
‘In Memoriam’ donation
Memories make us who we are
They are a celebration of life and tell our stories
Maybe a loved one died of ALS, or maybe you gave care to someone with that disease and a donation can be a meaningful way to remember and commemorate this person with respect.
Here are some tips to commemorate your loved one with respect.
1. Donate on the birthday of your passed away loved one or donate on a regular basis by bank.
2. Organize an ‘in memoriam ceremony’ and invite your family and friends to a brunch, coffee and cake, or possibly a small party where you celebrate your passed away loved one one more time, and ask the invitees if they’d like to donate to the ALS League or one of her funds instead of bringing a gift.
3. Ask your family and friends to donate to the ALS League on your birthday instead of giving you a present.
Give a standing order
However you’d make that donation, and how small or large that donation may be, you can be assured it’ll be received gratefully and will be used meaningfully for one of our projects you chose yourself.
Every donation from € 40 over the course of a year grants you a fiscal certificate. For every donation you also get a personalized thank you letter.
You can give the ALS Association Belgium vzw certainty by depositing a monthly fixed amount. However small the amount, your long-term engagement will allow us to continue to support people suffering from ALS by means of tools, care support …
Let us briefly list the reasons why we deserve your permanent support:
- Certainty to guarantee our services on the long-term because your support helps people with ALS. You give them the opportunity for a better quality of life. Opportunities that they would not otherwise get
- All deposits are added and when a total amount of at least 40€ is reached, on a yearly basis, you will receive a tax certificate, so you pay less taxes.
- You only have to go to your bank once by downloading the form on this page, completing the term and the amount of your deposit and handing it over to your bank. The bank automatically processes your deposits and in addition you can stop the deposits at any moment in time by giving your bank a call.
- You feel more involved, because you can closely monitor the working of the association. We will send you an overview of your deposits every 3 months and will inform you about what you have supported.
To print and complete the order form, right click on the file below and then click “save target as…”