Eye Click Donation for ALS
Experience what it feels like to live with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) while donating for research on eyeclickdonation.org.
“Donate without using your mouse or touchpad”
The muscles that are responsible for eye movement are usually spared until the final stages of ALS. That was the inspiration behind eyeclickdonation.org, a regular donation site with one important difference: you can only use your eyes to navigate through the site. Special face tracking software tracks your head movement, allowing you to move the mouse cursor. The eyes are scanned too, which lets you make mouse clicks. Through this website, the ALS Liga offers a tiny glimpse of what it is like to live with ALS. The site allows you to type your name on a virtual keyboard and enter the amount you wish to donate, ranging from 1 to 999 euros. Once finished, you are redirected to PayPal for a safe transaction.
“Experience the effects of ALS”
ALS is a rare neurological disorder that causes muscle weakness and atrophy throughout the body. With this campaign website, the ALS Liga wants to open people’s eyes – literally – by experiencing the paralyzing effects of ALS first-hand and to really feel the helplessness of not being able to use all of the muscles. ALS patients endure an extended, painful struggle and they do so while being fully conscious of what is happening: as their muscles get paralyzed, patients become increasingly imprisoned in their own bodies. ALS will kill you within an average of 3 to 5 years. Because there is currently no known cure, doctors can only try to make the degeneration process as comfortable and painless as possible.
Despite the global success of the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, the action didn’t raise sufficient funds to find a cure. The ALS Liga hopes to change that. Thank you kindly for your donation on eyeclickdonation.org.
Requirements: Google Chrome, Webcam