Volunteers of all kind
Wanted : Volunteers of all kind
Due to the expansion of our aid field for pALS we are looking for a number of volunteers who can help and assist us in different areas. Are you good with numbers, do you speak different languages, do you like research, are you a computer nerd or do you prefer to help patients at home ? Interested ? Just click on one of the links beneath.
Volunteers "Research department"
Volunteer work is popular
At present 1 out of 6 people perform volunteer work, but according to recent research on the website vrijwilligersjobs.be the amount is estimated a lot bigger.
The website started a database and after one month nearly 150 candidate volunteers applied to be contacted by several organisations. 57% of them never did any volunteer work before, 21% was already doing volunteer work and 23% did volunteer work but stopped with it. 75% wants to engage weekly, 25% only once in a while. Of those who engage weekly 29 % are prepared to work 4 hours per week, 22 % between 5 and 10 hours and 24 % even more than 10 hours per week.
The majority of them prefer to work for organisations dealing with people and society (38 %). 22% chooses to work for healthcare organisations, 25% prefer animals and environment and 14% work for relief organisations.
94% of the candidate volunteers don’t judge the religious background of the organisation of any importance .
About diploma’s : 44% are masters of bachelors, 36% have a secondary school diploma and 18% have a lower secondary or primary school diploma.
The volunteers live in all Flemish provinces : 21% are from Antwerp, 6% from Limburg, 26% from Oost-Vlaanderen, 11% from West-Vlaanderen and 24 % didn’t fill in the region.